
Conversation Techniques - How to speak so that people want to listen

Holding a conversation is quite a useful skill that some people do naturally but the rest of us need to work at. Here are some techniques and ideas you can use to initiate and sustain a sparkling conversation and some we need to avoid. Seven deadly sense of speaking that we need to avoid: Gossip Judging Negativity Complaining Excuses Lying Dogmatism HAIL technique to help you have a good conversation:     Honesty: be clear and straight     Authenticity : be yourself     Integrity: be your word     Love: wish them well Some other techniques that we could use to make people want to listen:     Register: Locate your voice Some other techniques that we could use to make people want to listen:     Register: Locate your voice, we associate deep voice with power and authority.     Timber: We prefer rich, smooth, warm voice.     Prosody: The root one for meaning, it gets the message sent easily.     Pace: fast to quickly say something, or slow to emphasize something.     Pitch & volume. 

Khanh's Top Three Transferable Skills

1. Team work - Work effectively in a group or team to achieve goals.               I have sharpened my team work skills since I was an undergraduate back in 2011. At that time, we studied, built and presented our projects together in a group. Team work requires understanding of how teams and groups function. For the time being, today's teams are different from the teams of the past, they are diverse (from different background), digital, and dynamic; however, by effectively operating in groups, we are able to identify group member's strength, therefore, assign tasks to fit them the most. 2.  Organisation and time management - Manage and prioritise workload and time effectively.               There is no denying that time management is one of the most important skills for every one who wants to succeed in their work. I am currently working as a cabinet maker and this skill set is a must-have skill that I have to master. Deadline always comes with stress; however, the point of

Apple Inc. and their products

1. How does Apple create awareness of its product? Apple is the most valuable brand in the world. Apple products are something that makes people spend their money on. They promotes their products through commercials and print ads, focusing on how their products are different from competitors. Commercial ads run when a product is first launched and print ads will run throughout the product's life. One big component of Apple's promotion is their yearly keynote speeches. These events themselves are not only part of Apple's overall promotion, but have become a part of their brand and image. They know how to keep fans interested on upcoming products. 2. How does Apple get their consumers to try their products? There is no denying that getting your hands on the latest Apple products is quite straightforward, what you need to do is just to drop by their stores nearby, and you will get the professional service and support from Apple team members such as shopping assistance, setting

Harmony Day

 1. What is Harmony Day? Harmony Day is the day that Australia recognises its cultural diversity and inclusion activities that take place during the entire week. Harmony Day is celebrated annually on 21th of March. There have been more than 80,000 Harmony Week events held in childcare, schools, community groups, churches, businesses and federal, state and local government agencies across Australia since 1999. 2 . What is the "message" of Harmony Day? The message of Harmony Day is 'Everyone belongs', it aims to engage people to take part in their community, celebrate diversity, respect cultural and religious diversity and foster sense of belonging for everyone. 3. What is the official colour for the day? Orange is the official colour for Harmony Day since 1999. 4. What does the colour stand for / why was this colour chosen? Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Week. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. Orange