
Showing posts from February, 2021

Conversation Techniques - How to speak so that people want to listen

Holding a conversation is quite a useful skill that some people do naturally but the rest of us need to work at. Here are some techniques and ideas you can use to initiate and sustain a sparkling conversation and some we need to avoid. Seven deadly sense of speaking that we need to avoid: Gossip Judging Negativity Complaining Excuses Lying Dogmatism HAIL technique to help you have a good conversation:     Honesty: be clear and straight     Authenticity : be yourself     Integrity: be your word     Love: wish them well Some other techniques that we could use to make people want to listen:     Register: Locate your voice Some other techniques that we could use to make people want to listen:     Register: Locate your voice, we associate deep voice with power and authority.     Timber: We prefer rich, smooth, warm voice.     Prosody: The root one for meaning, it gets the message sent easily.     Pace: fast to quickly say something, or slow to emphasize something.     Pitch & volume.